Calibrating the ActivBoard

The ActivBoard needs to be calibrated in order to ensure that the tip of the ActivPen aligns with the cursor on the screen. For calibration to be successful, you will need to click in the center of all 5 cross-hairs that you will see on the screen during the calibration process.  If you skip a cross-hair, you will need to restart the calibration process.
You can calibrate the board in one of three ways:


METHOD 1 (At the Board - this works with both ActivStudio and ActivInspire)
1. Hover the ActivPen over the Calibration light in the top-left corner of the ActivBoard for a few seconds.  Make sure you are not touching the tip of the ActivPen to the flame, but instead hovering the tip about 1/2 cm from the flame.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
METHOD 2 (At the board - this works with both ActivStudio and ActivInspire on the PC, but only ActivInspire on the Mac)
1. Control-click on the ActivManager icon in the menu strip at the top of the screen.  If you are on a PC, the ActivManager will be located in the bottom right-hand corner of the display. (If your pens are not responding this can be done from your computer using the computer mouse. If you use this method once the calibration program starts, move to the board and follow those instructions.)
2. Select Calibrate.
3. The on-screen instructions will be the same as above.
METHOD 3A (On your computer - PC for both ActivStudio and ActivInspire)
1. Right-click on the ActivManager icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen using your computer mouse.
2. Select Calibrate.
3. Once the calibration program starts, move to the board and follow the on-screen instructions.
METHOD 3B (On your computer - ActivStudio for PC/Mac)


1. From the Dashboard, select the Configure tab.
2. Select Calibrate ActivBoard.
3. Once the calibration program starts, move to the board and follow the on-screen instructions.
Make sure you use the ActivPen to click in the center or each calibration cross.
After calibrating, check that the tip of your ActivPen lines up with the cursor on the ActivBoard. If it does not, try calibrating the board again.